Check out this golf hole. This would be AWESOME to do!! Here's the story about the hole:
Forget pitch and putt - this tee-off point on top of a 430m mountain inSouth Africa is the hardest golf shot in the world, and more than $US1million awaits the player who can score a hole in one.
Players must take a helicopter to the top to play the longest - and highest- par three on the planet. Taking the shot also requires courage - a playerneeds to teeter terrifyingly close to the edge of the mammoth hillside.Indeed, the Extreme 19th Hole is so high the ball takes almost 30 seconds toreach the ground.
Channel Nine cricket commentator Mark Nicholas recently joined an elite listto have the shot in just three swings. "It was awesome, riveting andphenomenal," he said. "It's like the end of the world when you get up thereand it's an awful lot of fun. It's such an adrenalin rush taking thehelicopter up and then rushing back down."
The hole is based at the Legends Golf and Safari Resort, within the EntabeniSafari Conservancy in South Africa's north-eastern Limpopo Province. Theother 18 holes were designed by world golfing legends including TrevorImmelman, Sergio Garcia, Padraig Harrington and Australia's Robert Allenby.
A round of golf - including a buggy and lunch - will set you back R450($A70). The Extreme 19th costs is R6700 ($A1060) per four ball, thatincludes helicopter ride, souvenir cap and glove and a DVD of you playing the hole.
So far, no one has even come close pocketing the million-dollar prize, butHarrington became the first golfer to conquer the hole within par.Harrington said: "This is the type of innovation and excitement we need toget more people playing golf. There aren't many new innovative ways to playthe game but this is certainly one of the best. "I think this hole isawesome - I love the whole experience, the helicopter, the views, the dramaand having the green the shape of Africa. And now I've got bragging rightsover all the other professionals who have played this and not managed tomake a three. I love everything about it."